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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

Satla Bil

It is located at a distance of about 60 km from Barisal city. It covers a wide area of Uttar Satla, Hartar Kalbila, Bagdha and Khajuria villages of Sattar union of this upazila. However, none of the locals know about the total size of the bill. However, according to the Upazila Agriculture Department, the bill covers about 1600 hectares of land.


Barishal is located at a distance of 60 km from Sadar Upazila.


Barishal is located at a distance of 60 km from Sadar Upazila.


One would think for a moment, a sheet of red lily. Lily spread all over the bil. That is why the name of the village has become 'Shapla Bil'. Everyone calls this village North Satla by this name. In Kalbila village of Satla union of Uzirpur upazila of Barishal, naturally, the unobstructed color of this lily will fascinate anyone. The admiration of this form of Rupshi Bangla is now spread beyond the villages.

Red water lilies usually bloom in September and October. And tourists from different parts of the country have already started coming across the district to see the red water lilies blooming in the water of that bil. The locals believe that it could soon become one of the tourist destinations in the country. It is difficult to see the red color in the green from a distance. As the distance decreases, the existence of flowers becomes clearer. Millions of red water lilies blooming on a bill filled with weeds and vines. It is truly a land of beauty.

The natural beauty of the red lily of the bill catches the eye. Every day, thirsty nature lovers are flocking from different parts of the country to see the water lilies of this fascinating bill. The advertisement image has been made around the shapla of this bill. As a result, Satla's 'Shapla Bil' is becoming a place of interest day by day.

Although no one has been able to give the exact number of years in which water lilies have started growing in the bill, some locals in their sixties said that they have been seeing water lilies growing in the bill since their birth. Although red, white and purple water lilies grow in this submerged bil for most of the year, there is an abundance of red water lilies. The deeper you go in the bil, the more red there is. At one point it would seem that you are trapped in the kingdom of lily.

Moreover, the lily bil is not only a beauty but also a number of families in those areas are making a living by picking water lilies from the bil and selling them in the local market. Many of the residents here depend on the lily of this bil. Hundreds of families in the area are making a living by picking water lilies, fishing from the bil and selling it in the market. Here in early December, when the water recedes in the winter season, all the water lilies die. At that time farmers cultivated paddy here. But at the same time it is doubtful whether this coexistence of rice and lily exists anywhere else.